What's up with these once a month updates? 
Oh well, maybe that will change in 2013...

I can't believe how close we are to a new year. New beginnings. New memories. A time to look back and remember the good and try to forget the bad. A time to set new goals, and set new ones when those don't work out. New. That's what 2013 is. And that's exciting...

Today at Midtown Fellowship in Nashville, the pastor talked about giving thanks, something I definitely need to get better at doing. Giving thanks is stepping out into faith, because it's accepting that you are content with the situation that the Lord has surrounded you with. 

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is GOOD. His love endures forever."- Psalm 136:1

I need to write this down somewhere where i can constantly see. To be reminded that He is Good and that His Love endures FOREVER. He is faithful. And there's so much to be thankful for because of that.
So we give thanks for what we have. And it brings Him Glory.
But what about those things that we don't have? Thankfulness is being thankful for those things that you have, and also for those things that you don't have or that the Lord hasn't given you yet. Being thankful brings contentment, and I could always use more contentment in my life. 

I was at Starbucks in Brentwood, TN, sitting and reading a few days ago when I asked this man sitting next to me to watch my stuff while I went to the restroom. He asked me the same thing a few minutes later. When he sat back down, he proceeded to ask me if I was a college student and then talked about how I should visit his church sometime. It turns out he was talking about Kairos (worship for college students in Nashville; I went a few years ago and I LOVED it). Apparently, the hall that they meet in within Brentwood Baptist (Hudson Hall) was named after him. Kind of an important guy, I would say. He asked me questions about my life back in Chattanooga, and then started packing up his stuff to head home. As he was leaving, he said to me, "It was great to meet you, Tiffany. You're on the right track."
on the right track...
for some reason those words brought me comfort. In that moment, I didn't care what jobs I should be applying for once I graduate, or what city I would be located in next, or where I would be next summer, or if I should be applying for Grad School. I felt the Lord say to me through that man, "You don't need to know what's next, Dear. You're on the right track..."
So in that moment, I gave thanks for NOT knowing. God knows me, and if I knew what was supposed to be next in life for me, I might miss what is in front of me now..so anxious and ready to move on to the next thing.
So we are about to embark on a new year. Let's give thanks for 2012 and live a thankful life in 2013. With all of the mess that has been going on in the news, I have a lot to be thankful for. Jesus is Good. Don't miss it.

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."- Philippians 4:4-7

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