Long Overdue


It's been a month since I've updated...
That's what college and YoungLife/Student Staff will do to you!
So, here we go. I can't promise that this won't be too long, but I will try!

Where has my life been the past month, you ask?
Everywhere. So many emotions can be used to describe my life the past few weeks. Happy. Joyful. Sad. Frustrated. Overwhelmed. Content. And discontent...
We will start out with Soddy Daisy.
We got another boy, so that's not only one boy but TWO.
Praise Jesus! His name is Dan Martin, and he is awesome.
They have a bulletin board in the YoungLife office with all of the team names and pictures. Here is ours now (updated!):
Sorry the quality is not that great (it was taken off of someone's computer). Don't you worry, we will go on a team photo shoot soon. TEAM SODDY!
Next update...
kind of similar because she is on my YL team and on Student Staff with me...
I am so excited for this girl! She deserves it! We had an engagement party for her last Wednesday with some of her closer friends, and it was such a sweet and fun time. She will be married either late May or early June. We go to summer camp the first week of June. I threw the idea out that she could get married at Windy Gap that week we are at camp. She wasn't a big fan of the idea...
2 pretty big things are coming up this week/next week..
Our YL Banquet is next Monday! It will be at Track 29 and the theme is "Come on Along!" It's Broadway Themed and each school is a different Broadway show.
Soddy is WICKED, so I get to be this gal for the night..
SO pumped. I hope we get a lot of people out to come and support Chattanooga YoungLife!
The other big thing that is going on this week...
I'm leaving THIS Thursday morning for Southwind YoungLife Camp to do Program for the weekend!
It's really happening...
It still hasn't hit me yet. I don't think it will until I'm backstage waiting to go out..and then I hear that music play...and then it's in that moment that the Lord will whisper to me We got this... 
So I'm excited more than nervous. Because I know that the Lord will do immeasurably more than I could ever imagine. All I want to do is glorify Him through my skits and my conversations with the campers...BRING IT ON!

Went on a sunrise hike this morning with two of my friends from Soddy Daisy High School. It was a really cloudy morning (the whole day has been cloudy), and so we couldn't really see the sun rise. The hike was great, the conversation was great, but I was praying that God would let us leave that place with a story...
There was a dog at the front of the trail that looked like it was hurt. It was just laying there and attempted to try and get up and walk a few times. It growled at us, so we just sympathized with it from a distance and moved on. On our way back, there the dog was laying in the same place, shaking. One of the girls (who wants to be a VET when she gets older) got down next to the dog and started to pet it, and then realized that there was blood all around the rocks that the dog had been trying to walk on. All 3 of us wanted to rescue it, but we knew there was physically nothing we could do. So we called the police and they came and took the dog away to the police station. I get a phone call a few hours later from the owners just thanking my friends and I for finding their dog and calling the police. They loved that dog..it was apparent in the way they were talking about it. The dog had run away the night before because of some loud fireworks. So, I'm thankful that we chose this morning to go on a sun rise hike...
This story kind of reminded me the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-31).
That dog (and us) run away from the hard or scary things in life or run because we think there is somewhere else that is better and more safe for us than with our own owner. That dog with the fireworks. Us with God. How we live our lives because of the things that have happened in our own lives..It's easier to run, right?
But the owner didn't stop looking for this dog that he loved so much. I can guarantee you that. God doesn't stop chasing us when we run. Why? Because He is a RELENTLESS God and won't stop until you are His again..and when that dog was returned this his owner, you better believe his owners were celebrating the return of their lost dog! And you better believe that God does that too with us. When the son from this passage who had run away finally decides to come back to his father, his father was OVERJOYED that he had returned. Verse 20 says "But while he was a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his song, threw his arms around him and kissed him." 
This Relentless God..won't stop pursuing you until you are His and only His again. He doesn't care where you run..He won't love you any less. He evens sends people and circumstances to help bring you back home to Him, just like we got to send this hurt dog back home to his owner to heal him.
What a day. God is good.
Pray for me and continued strength. This week is going to be a long one!

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