
We did it. We had our annual Ice Cream Olympics this past Tuesday. And it was AWESOME. Chattanooga Christian School brought a few of their folks as well. Chocolate syrup in our hair. Whipped cream in our ears and eyes. Flour all over our clothes. And to top it off, the best ice cream war I've ever witnessed. All of our friends came out for this great event because our leaders have been so persistent in showing up in the school and getting them pumped for this.God is GOOD. I'm so proud of my teammates. Seriously, they are ALL over Soddy Daisy throughout the week. And to add a praise, WE GOT A BOY PLACED ON OUR TEAM. YES! I will say it again in a bigger font and in bold...
Praise the Lord! Jesus is GOOD! And His timing is perfect! He is everything we have been praying for and we are all so excited to have him as a part of our family! Welcome to the team Logan Russell!

I finally moved into my house (townhouse). It feels so good to finally have a room of my own! I am so blessed to be living with my roommates. We eat dinner together at our dinning room table, we sit and talk in our living room for hours, we all eat cookies that one of the roommies made, we all sit in someone's room and talk about life, we talk about all the ways that our house can be more open for people to come whenever they want...
we are living life together, the way Christ intended it to be. A month after school started...who would have known that that's when i would be finally moving into my place? Not me, but the Lord did. And He told me to wait, because He had some pretty special things planned along the way that He didn't want me to miss...
The girls at T214 :)
One last update, I was asked a few weeks ago to do program for a Wyldlife weekend camp at Southwind the first weekend of November. A guy named Makana, who is on Staff in Oklahoma, asked me, and my first initial thought was "I wouldn't know what I'm doing...I don't think I would be good enough..." But I knew those were lies, and my heart was excited about this opportunity. So I said YES, even though I was terrified because I have never done any sort of program before. I still don't know what I'm doing, but that's what exciting about it. I'm jumping into this opportunity with my eyes closed and hands wide open, knowing that the Lord will catch me and take me for an adventure along the way...

The Lord has proved me to over and over, especially in these past few weeks, that He is GOOD, and that He is Faithful. It's been funny to see how the evil one has been trying to put me down this past week, all the while these GREAT things has been happening. Satan can't handle the Lord's Goodness! 

The word wait has been a reoccurring word to me these past few weeks. Wait...on a lot of things. Things that I'm not ready for, things that aren't prepared for me yet, things that aren't mine yet...
If I was writing my own story, I would have already had a place a month ago, I would have gotten my Student Staff money all in one check from one support letter, money would never be a problem, we would have 6 boys on my YoungLife team already...
But thank goodness there is a greater Author of Life...
and He said to me, "I didn't have you move into your place sooner because I wanted you to experience what it looks like to depend on your community, because they LOVE you, and because you needed to be reminded of that. I wanted you to experience life with the Vanderwoude's and see what love in a marriage really looks like. I didn't have all of your money come in on one check from a support letter because I wanted you to use your story to invite different people into your journey. You are better with your words than you know, and you just needed a little push, my love. I want you to be desperately dependent on me, even when you don't know where your next meal will come from, because I will ALWAYS provide. I placed this boy on your team on My timing, because I wanted you to be always on the look out for my faithfulness. I've been preparing him for your team long before you started praying for him! I don't want you to ever doubt what I'm doing. Just trust, Beloved..."

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." -Romans 12:12 
This verse has been so comforting to me the past week and every time I read it, I hear "Wait and Watch for Me..."
And Watch for what He will do next.
He loves to prove His Love to His people, but we need to be seeking Him so we don't miss it.
The Lord is GOOD.
Think about it.

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